earned Awards
In the last years we were able to get some awards for our showdesign.
The most important is the ILDA-Award by the International Laser Display Association (ILDA).
Every year the ILDA usually holds a conference where laserists from all around the world come together.
The climax every year are the ILDA Awards. At these the best lasershows of the last year are getting awarded by the ILDA Awards comitee.
In professional circles the ILDA-Award is known as the "Oscar" of the lasershow industry.
1st Place ILDA Award - Corporate Show
"Progroup AG - Heading for the Future"
3rd Place ILDA Award - Corporate Show
"Progroup AG - Space"
1st Place ILDA Award - Beams-/Atmospherics Show with Add-On Effects
1st Place ILDA Award - Corporate Show
"Wirtgen Invest Inauguration"
1st Place ILDA Award - Beams-/Atmospherics Show with Add-On Effects
"Your Time"
1st Place ILDA Award - Corporate Show
"PV LIVE 2020" (Productpresentation PV:KOMPASS 4.0)
2nd Place ILDA Award - Beams/ Athmospherics Show for Multiple Scanners
"Planet URF"
2nd Place ILDA Award - Laser Show with Added Effects/ Multimedia
"Mansion - Wedding"
2nd Place ILDA Award - Corporate Show
"Peugeot 5008"
3rd Place ILDA Award - Laser Show+Effects/Multimedia
"Sinfonia Degli Elementi"
1st Place ILDA Award - Laser Show (including Multimedia)
2nd Place ILDA Award - Laser Show (including Multimedia)
"Spiderman Shredder"
3rd Place ILDA Award - Beams/Atmospherics for a Single X/Y Scanner pair
3rd Place Laserfreak Award
1st Place Software dedicated Award