Progroup AG

Progroup AG
Get ready to get beamed into a new era!
For the 30th anniversary and simultaneous handover of Progroup AG we contributed with some laser. Cellight was responsible for the laser-related technical and personal panning, the laser design and operating/ designing on side. Our Partner Laserfabrik GmbH provided and implemented all the lasers and also supported with manpower!
This production was very special, also for us, because a whole spaceship experience was built in a hall of Leipzig fairground. From the beginning to the end all guests should be immersed into the space.
To achieve this, the show began already before the first step into the hall. First all guests had to be beamed through a special beamport onto the spaceship. Then the adventure began. From Time-Pirates, who were entering the spaceship, over big emotional parts, floating down people, drummers mounted on a KUKA robot to flying artists everywhere in the room.
This show really was a special experience for everyone and needed perfect planning in advance. The project began over one year before we actually did the show.
For this show we earned two ILDA Awards:
1st place Corporate Show 2023 for the Main Show and 3rd place Corporate Show 2023 for the Additional FX.
We would like to thank zweiplan and Creative Director Alexander Hennig for the trust you have placed in us!
For this we only use best beam quality of LaserAnimation Sollinger Phaenon X 30.000 Lasers and absolutely reliable Lasergraph DSP Control.
Pictures by Ralph Larmann
Watch the award winning Shows: