PV LIVE! Future // Now
PV LIVE! Future // Now
Every year PV Automotive, a supplier of car workshop equipment, invites their customers to a big private exhibition with a big party. The show takes place at Hannover fair ground, Deutsche Messe.
This year the motto of the gala evening was “Future // Now” (“Zukunft // Jetzt”). Therefore we produced an introshow telling the story of a more and more connected world, intelligent cars and automated/ connected car workshops. At all the introshow had to be very modern, not overloading, clear and precise.
The hall of Hannover fair was around 100m wide and 150m long. For the introshow we used the whole width and full height: So the videomapping and intro show area was around 100*11m.
We were responsible for the storyboarding, sound-design (with A. Hillesheim), laser design, laser-preprogramming, 3d laser-visualization and laser operating on side.
Utilized technology:
– 10 high-performance laser projectors, 21W RGB
– 2 graphic laser projectors, 7W RGB
– 2 OPSL Green Laser Projectors, 20W
– 7 LaserAnimation Lasergraph DSP dual
– 1 LaserAnimation Lasergraph DSP travel
– and some more special effects
Watch a few excerpts of this Show: